Time Travel
Since our foundation in 2003, we have grown rapidly and written an extraordinary success story.

"Birth" of the Company AP&S
- Foundation of AP&S (acquisition of the assets of SEZ Germany & HMR)
- Market introduction of the automatic wet bench A2 (200 mm)
- First plant installation in Europe

Expansion of the Facilities
- Launch of the semi-automatic wet benches TwinStep™ and MultiStep™
- First plant installations in China and the USA

AP&S goes International
- Foundation of AP&S Asia Pte. Ltd. in Singapore

Extension of the Company Premises
- Foundation of AP&S Shanghai Ltd. in China
- Expansion of office and production space to 2,000 m² and 1,500 m² at the headquarters in Donaueschingen, Germany
- Market launch of the fully automated wet benches GigaStep™ and VulCanio™

Further International Growth
- Foundation of the AP&S Service Center in Malaysia

Extension of the Production Area
- Extension of the production area to 3,000 m²
- Module standardization of our wet benches

Securing of Exclusive Rights for Lotus
- AP&S acquires the exclusive rights and intellectual property of Lotus Systems.
- Foundation of the APS Service Center in Dresden, Germany
- Patent application for single wafer lift-off process

Expansion of the DemoCenter
- Construction of our AP&S Single Wafer DemoCenter

Easy Individualization for Customers
- Standardization of our single wafer product lines

Innovative Solutions by tepcon
- Acquisition of a majority interest in the software company tepcon GmbH
- Extension of the AP&S DemoCenter
- Establishment of the two business divisions Batch Process and Single Wafer

New Paths for Customer Service
- Foundation of the after-sales division

Innovative Company Expansion
- Award as TOP 100 Innovator
- Receipt of the Infineon Supplier Award "Best Innovation"
- Construction of a second production hall at the Donaueschingen site
- Expansion of a cleanroom at the Donaueschingen site

Highest Standards for Production Processes
- Commissioning of the cleanroom at the Donaueschingen site
- Opening of the second production hall at the Donaueschingen site
- Awarded again as Top 100 Innovator

New Successful Membership
- Expansion of the Dresden Service Center
- Member of the wvib Mechanical Engineering Advisory Board

Expansion of the Management
- Market launch of CleanSurF - our new cleaner for carriers, boxes, SMIFs and FOUPs
- Redesign of the plant Vulcanio
- Receipt of "Productronica Innovation Award" in the field of semiconductors
- Award as Top 100 Innovator
- Further expansion of DemoCenter

Increase in Production Sites
- Opening of the third production hall in Donaueschingen
- Establishment of the AP&S Academy

20th anniversary of AP&S
- AP&S celebrates 20 years in business
- Introduction of the fully automatic wet bench NexAStep
- Winner of the "Productronica Innovation Award" in the semiconductor sector for the second time in a row