Powerful Combination


Dry in Dry out - Double chamber wet process tool with integrated NID Dryer with a competitive footprint of 1.95 square meters in total.

Our proven wet bench TwinStep now also performs with the new "Dry in Dry out feature". Thanks to its maximum compact dimensions of only 1.95 square meters this wet process tool requires a minimum of the valuable space in the customer's cleanroom.

With its smart concept it requires access from two sides only (front and back) and can be positioned space saving side by side to a neighbored production module.

It perfectly covers various etching and cleaning processes and outputs the wafers in dried condition. The tool automation and process running is maximum gentle to substrate and structure especially compared to spray batch processes. Advanced process control via latest software technology guarantees highest repeatability.

Furthermore, the "Dry in Dry out - TwinStep" convinces with its advanced loading capacity of 50 x 100-200mm wafers or 25 x 300mm wafers.

Further technical specifications for a HF1 % process as an example are shown below:

Process chamber features:

  • Heat exchange for temperature control +/- 0.1°C (depends on set-point)
  • Tank volume = 30 - 35L
  • Recirculation Flow: 1 - 48 L/min

Quick Dump Rinse with NID function

  • Basin with overflow function
  • Quick Dump Cylinder
  • Spray bars above the bath

NID function:

  • Software-controlled bath draining
  • IPA Bubbler Box

Based on the modular construction our "Dry in Dry out TwinStep" offers high flexibility regarding future process adaptations and tool extensions. Interested? Further information required? Send your request to